If you have the pairs of shoes in your collection that you love and want to last longer here are some tips to make your shoes last forever. If you keep your shoes last forever you can also cut down your budget. Having best shoes of quality can be your partner for longer. You must invest for quality while buying a pair for you. A well and firm constructed shoe of high quality material such as leather is great idea. Having shoes that will stay with you forever are great to wear and your friends will also appreciate that you kept them like new. Here are the simple tips to follow to keep your fashion closet preserved.
Put them in box every night
Put your shoes pair into their separate boxes every night after cleaning them from the dust. It is like putting them in their bed. Use cotton or tissues to safe the tip of the shoes. Place the plastic bags or newspapers to keep the shoes from folding or bending if needed. In the box your shoes need their space. It needs a little effort but it is imported for your shoes life.
Use Magic erasers to clean the shoes
Magic erasers are really magic to keep your shoes clean so they last forever. The magic erasers are available for online shopping in Pakistan. They are the protectors of the shoes that can even remove the marks of ink and stains. You will exclusively need them for white and light colored shoes.
Take care of the sole
If sole of your shoes is new and in good condition then your shoes will last longer. If you find the sole tempered or damaged get a new pair and place them in your shoes. You can get the new sole fixed in your favorite shoes by the cobbler. Majority of the shoes are wasted due to its damaged sole. Better to change sole rather to change the shoes.
Fix the problem
Instantly take notice of the problem in the shoes. It is like a wound of your shoes that you must repair as soon as you can. Do not ignore the damaged area as it will increase over time and make your shoe look horrible. If it breaks down get it to its doctor that is cobbler.
Get the shoes a hue
Your shoes need treatment as you go to spa. You can use different techniques to give them a better look. You can use colors, markers, charms and festoons to make your shoes fresh.
At above all only buy quality branded shoes. Rather to buy low quality cheap shoes again and again try to invest and buy imported quality branded kids, Men and women shoes so can stay you for long and give you peace of mind.