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MEROKEETY Women s Sleeveless Lace Floral Elegant Cocktail Dress Crew Neck Knee Length for Party

MEROKEETY Women s Sleeveless Lace Floral Elegant Cocktail Dress Crew Neck Knee Length for Party

Product Code(SKU): S01ZF1TR55

Import from USA in Pakistan Import from USA in Pakistan

Availability: Instock in USA

Product Category: Apparel

Amazon Category: Apparel

Product weight: 1.00 Pounds


Our Price: 26,190 PKR

  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Amazon Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • (4.5)

Important : This product will take 3 to 4 weeks to delivery at your doorstep.

product description:

Our lace dress is U.S. Regular size!!Bust size is the most important.
Your bust size fit :
Small:33.5-35.5 inches///
Medium:36-37.5 inches///
Large:38-39.5 inches///
X-Large:40-42.5 inches.

"Exceeded my expectations!" | "Beautiful cঠԇ웄Ԧ剈ԇਐԇ위Ԧ动ԇ઀ԇ을Ԧ匈ԇ૰ԇ임Ԧ卨ԇୠԇ쟄Ԧ又ԇௐԇ전Ԧ吨ԇీԇ졄Ԧ咈ԇರԇ좄Ԧ哨ԇഠԇ죄Ԧ啈ԇඐԇ줄Ԧ喨ԇ฀ԇ쥄Ԧ嘈ԇ๰ԇ즄Ԧ器ԇ໠ԇ진Ԧ囈ԇཐԇ쨄Ԧ在ԇ瀀ԟ쩄Ԧ垈ԇ灰ԟ쪄Ԧ埨ԇ烠ԟ쫄Ԧ塈ԇ煐ԟ쬄ԦẨԇ燀ԟ쭄ԦἈԇ爰ԟ쮄ԦὨԇ犠ԟ쯄Ԧ㒈ҟ猐ԟ찄Ԧ㕈ҟ玀ԟ채Ԧ㙨ҟ珰ԟ ԥ㛈ҟ瑠ԟDԥ㘈ҟ瓐ԟ„ԥ㨨ҟ畀ԟÄԥ㟨ҟ疰ԟĄԥ㢨ҟ瘠ԟńԥ㥨ҟ皐ԟƄԥ㤈ҟ眀ԟDŽԥ㧈ҟ睰ԟȄԥވԦ矠ԟɄԥܨԦ硐ԟʄԥᮨԦ磀ԟ˄ԥ㍨Ԧ礰ԟ̄ԥᭈԦ禠ԟ̈́ԥ᫨Ԧ稐ԟ΄ԥᧈԦ窀ԟτԥᨨԦ竰ԟЄԥ᪈Ԧ筠ԟфԥᥨԦ篐ԟ҄ԥ㊨Ԧ籀ԟӄԥ㉈Ԧ粰ԟԄԥ㇨Ԧ素ԟՄԥとԦ綐ԟքԥㆈԦ縀ԟׄԥㄨԦ繰ԟ؄ԥトԦ绠ԟلԥἈԦ罐ԟڄԥ〈Ԧ耀ԟۄԥὨԦ聰ԟ܄ԥᴨԦ胠ԟ݄ԥᶈԦ腐ԟބԥᷨԦ臀ԟ߄ԥṈԦ舰ԟࠄԥẨԦ芠ԟࡄԥᛈԦ茐ԟࢄԥᤈԦ莀ԟࣄԥᜨԦ菰ԟऄԥᡈԦ葠ԟॄԥ㓨ҟ蓐ԟ঄ԥ㜨ҟ蕀ԟৄԥ㞈ҟ薰ԟ਄ԥ㡈ҟ蘠ԟ੄ԥ㪈ҟ蚐ԟ઄ԥ㫨ҟ蜀ԟૄԥ㭈ҟ蝰ԟ଄ԥ㮨ҟ蟠ԟୄԥ㰈ҟ衐ԟ஄ԥ㱨ҟ裀ԟ௄ԥ㳈ҟ褰ԟఄԥ㴨ҟ覠ԟౄԥ㶈ҟ訐ԟ಄ԥ㷨ҟ誀ԟೄԥ㹈ҟ諰ԟഄԥ㺨ҟ譠ԟൄԥ㼈ҟ诐ԟ඄ԥ㽨ҟ豀ԟහԥᤈԇ貰ԟคԥ ԇ贠ԟไԥ⁨ԇ趐ԟຄԥ⃈ԇ踀ԟໄԥℨԇ蹰ԟ༄ԥↈԇ軠ԟངԥ⇨ԇ轐ԟ྄ԥ≈ԇ ԥ࿄ԥ⊨ԇばԥ怄ԥ⌈ԇムԥ恄ԥ⍨ԇㅐԥ悄ԥ⏈ԇ㇀ԥ惄ԥ␨ԇ㈰ԥ愄ԥ⒈ԇ㊠ԥ慄ԥⓨԇ㌐ԥ憄ԥ╈ԇ㎀ԥ懄ԥ▨ԇ㏰ԥ戄ԥ☈ԇ㑠ԥ扄ԥ♨ԇ㓐ԥ抄ԥ⛈ԇ㕀ԥ拄ԥ✨ԇ㖰ԥ挄ԥ➈ԇ㘠ԥ捄ԥ⟨ԇ㚐ԥ掄ԥ⡈ԇ㜀ԥ揄ԥ⢨ԇ㝰ԥ搄ԥ⤈ԇ㟠ԥ摄ԥ⥨ԇ㡐ԥ撄ԥ墨ԇ㣀ԥ擄ԥ夈ԇ㤰ԥ攄ԥ奨ԇ㦠ԥ敄ԥ姈ԇ㨐ԥ斄ԥ娨ԇ㪀ԥ旄ԥ媈ԇ㫰ԥ昄ԥ嫨ԇ㭠ԥ晄ԥ孈ԇ㯐ԥ暄ԥ宨ԇ㱀ԥ曄ԥ專ԇ㲰ԥ朄ԥ屨ԇ㴠ԥ杄ԥ峈ԇ㶐ԥ构ԥ崨ԇ㸀ԥ柄ԥ嶈ԇ㹰ԥ栄ԥ巨ԇ㻠ԥ桄ԥ幈ԇ㽐ԥ梄ԥ庨ԇ䀀ԥ棄ԥ弈ԇ䁰ԥ椄ԥ彨ԇ䃠ԥ楄ԥ逈Ԝ䅐ԥ榄ԥ遨Ԝ䇀ԥ槄ԥ郈Ԝ䈰ԥ樄ԥ鄨Ԝ䊠ԥ橄ԥ醈Ԝ䌐ԥ檄ԥ釨Ԝ䎀ԥ櫄ԥ鉈Ԝ䏰ԥ欄ԥ銨Ԝ䑠ԥ歄ԥ錈Ԝ䓐ԥ殄ԥ鍨Ԝ䕀ԥ毄ԥ鏈Ԝ䖰ԥ氄ԥ鐨Ԝ䘠ԥ汄ԥ针Ԝ䚐ԥ沄ԥ铨Ԝ䜀ԥ泄ԥ镈Ԝ䝰ԥ洄ԥ閨Ԝ䟠ԥ浄ԥ阈Ԝ䡐ԥ涄ԥ陨Ԝ䣀ԥ淄ԥ雈Ԝ䤰ԥ渄ԥ霨Ԝ䦠ԥ湄ԥ鞈Ԝ䨐ԥ溄ԥ韨Ԝ䪀ԥ滄ԥ顈Ԝ䫰ԥ漄ԥ風Ԝ䭠ԥ潄ԥ饨Ԝ䯐ԥ澄ԥ駈Ԝ䱀ԥ濄ԥ騨Ԝ䲰ԥԥ骈Ԝ䴠ԥԥ髨Ԝ䶐ԥԥ魈Ԝ一ԥԥ鮨Ԝ买ԥԥ鰈Ԝ仠ԥԥ鱨Ԝ佐ԥԥ鳈Ԝ쀀ԥԥ鴨Ԝ쁰ԥԥ鶈Ԝ샠ԥԥ鷨Ԝ셐ԥԥ鹈Ԝ쇀ԥԥ麨Ԝ숰ԥԥ鼈Ԝ슠ԥԥ齨Ԝ쌐ԥԥ ԝ쎀ԥԥhԝ쏰ԥԥÈԝ쑠ԥԥĨԝ쓐ԥԥƈԝ앀ԥԥǨԝ얰ԥԥɈԝ옠ԥԥʨԝ욐ԥԥ̈ԝ윀ԥԥͨԝ읰ԥԥψԝ쟠ԥԥШԝ졐ԥԥ҈ԝ죀ԥԥӨԝ줰ԥԥՈԝ즠ԥԥ֨ԝ쨐ԥԥ؈ԝ쪀ԥԥ٨ԝ쫰ԥԥۈԝ쭠ԥԥܨԝ쯐ԥԥވԝ챀ԥԥࡈԝ첰ԥԥࢨԝ촠ԥԥईԝ춐ԥԥ२ԝ츀ԥԥৈԝ칰ԥԥਨԝ컠ԥԥઈԝ콐ԥԥ૨ԝ퀀ԥԥୈԝ큰ԥԥநԝ탠ԥԥఈԝ텐ԥԥ౨ԝ퇀ԥԥೈԝ툰ԥԥനԝ튠ԥԥඈԝ판ԥԥ෨ԝ펀ԥ먄҇Ṉԇ阠҉릤҇ᷨԇ需҉뢤҇ᶈԇ靰҉ᩤϒᴨԇ韠҉뱤҇᳈ԇ顐҉별҇ᱨԇ餰҉비҇ᴨԇ韠҉뫄҇᳈ԇ顐҉걤Ԟᱨԇ餰҉Ⴤտᭈԇ飀҉ႄտᥨԇ髰҉ဤտ៨ԇ魠҉ᜄտឈԇ鯐҉㟄փᛈԇ鱀҉㣄փᙨԇ鲰҉ᜤտឈԇ鯐҉ᙤտᛈԇ鱀҉ᘤտᙨԇ鲰҉칄Ԧᕈԇ鴠҉췤Ԧገԇ鶐҉쳤Ԧᓨԇ鸀҉Ꮴտከԇ鹰҉᭤տᆈԇ黠҉ᬤտᄨԇ齐҉묤҇ከԇ鹰҉뫤҇ᆈԇ黠҉멤҇ᄨԇ齐҉̄ʎከԇ鹰҉ͤʎᆈԇ黠҉Ԥʎᄨԇ齐҉ˤʎከԇ鹰҉ʤʎᆈԇ黠҉ɤʎᄨԇ齐҉քʎဈԇ
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Customer Common Questions & Answers:

Question: You have imported quality products. What is the price of MEROKEETY Women s Sleeveless Lace F… in Pakistan?

Answer: The pricing of our products is determined by their weight and size. Additionally, fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate in Pakistan may result in changes to our prices. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, please check our website or contact our sales representative before placing your order.


Question: We want 100% original and authentic MEROKEETY Women s Sleeveless Lace F… in Pakistan. How I will place my order on shoppingbag.pk?


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Question: Do you have physical shop or store of MEROKEETY Women s Sleeveless Lace F… in Pakistan?

Answer: No, we don't have physical store but you can place your from our office or from online.


Question: Do you ship orders all cross the Pakistan?

Answer: Yes, we ship in almost all the cities of Pakistan using famous courier & logistic services of Pakistan.


Question: How soon can I get my order?

Answer:Since we import products from USA, Canada, UK or China so it take 3 to 4 weeks. We do our best to make import process fast and smooth and try to deliver ASAP all across Pakistan.


Question: Can I place my order from outside of Pakistan?

Answer: Yes! you can do until or unless you can deposit 30% advance using one of our payment methods you can place order from anywhere of world.


Question: How I will check 100% authenticity of my product?

Answer: We always try to buy products using Amazon USA from the brands or official resellers. In case of any confusion we can share amazon or eBay order ID with you so you can check with them directly.


Question: How to verify product quality?

Answer: Since we buy your products from Amazon USA so you can read product reviews before to orders us. For your convenience, you can find the product review link on all the product pages.


Question: Do you offer returns & exchange?

Answer: We have no product exchange policy. Yes! If you get wrong product or if product not working properly, you can return it within 3 days of delivery.


Question: What is your refund policy?

Answer: In case your refund approve we try to make sure it within 7 days.


Question: What if I get wrong product?

Answer: If the product you get will be different from the one you order then we will make its 100% refund.


Question: Technical detail available on shoppingbag.pk is replacement of professional advice?

Answer: No, it's for reference only. Consult with right more technical person before to use.


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